Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today is World Toilet Day

Did you know?
2.5 billion people do not have somewhere safe, private or hygienic to go to the toilet.
One gram of feces can contain 10 million viruses, one million bacteria, 1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs. The simple act of washing hands with soap and water after going to the toilet can reduce diarrhoeal diseases by over 40%. Safe disposal of children's feces leads to a reduction of nearly 40% in childhood diarrhea.
November 19 is World Toilet Day – a day to celebrate the humble, yet vitally important, toilet and to raise awareness of the global sanitation crisis. WaterAid is working hard to change this, using simple and low cost solutions, and there are many easy and fun ways you can get involved.

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