Thursday, June 11, 2009

Maybe you shouldn't buy that:

The most expensive and most worthless items in the world.
The $2,800 Pizza Royale 007, created by Chef Domenico Crolla, is topped with tomato pizza sauce, smoked salmon, venison medallions, cognac-marinated lobster and champagne-soaked caviar. Oh, and 24-carat gold leaf.

The DualTow watch by Christophe Claret retails for $300,000, but it only displays the time to the nearest five minutes. As the people behind the blog say: "So you’re paying for a, seemingly, needlessly complicated watch that doesn’t actually tell you the correct time"

The Diesel DZ9044 Sideview watch is a snip at a mere $365. Your osteopath's bill will be more than that once you've twisted your arm around a few times to check the time.

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