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Duke said...
sad one should use an injured veterans sadness over the loss of his service dog in this manner and on your site. So many veterans have given their all for our freedoms..guess the title of your blog could not be more abusive during the period of this family's time of grief
March 15, 2009
Tattoo Jim said...
Sad story... that's probably the main reason I don't have a pet... I'd hate to get attached to something so special as a pet and loose it. Like they say, your dog is always happy to see you, now matter how long you've been gone or how you feel when you get home. Who said "I'd like to be the person my dog thinks I am"?
March 15, 2009
The Man said...
Duke, I'm sorry that you feel this way. I know I may have pushed the envolope a bit when I posted this but, I looked at the dogs life and not the person he was helping out.