Their friendship began half way across the world in Iraq, when St. Petersburg native Major Brian Dennis encountered a mixed breed dog in Anbar Province. The dog had been savagely abused and his ears cut off. The marine decided to call him Nubbs. Major Dennis nursed Nubbs back to health ... and here is where this friendship takes a remarkable turn: Major Dennis was ordered to move his squadron 70 miles away. He complied.

Two days later he was out there working on a vehicle in the front yard and all of a sudden along came Nubbs. He had tracked Brian 70 miles across the desert in 18 degree temperatures.
Despite strict rules, Major Dennis wrote to his mother, he had to help this dog. "I won't even address the gauntlet. He had to run off a pack of dogs, wolves and god knows what else to get here ... when he arrived he looked like he had been through a war zone," Dennis wrote. Weeks went by, and Nubbs was dealt another blow, someone told on them that they had the dog and they had 4 days to get rid of him
or Nubbs was going to be shot.
That’s when the Marine made it his mission to get Nubbs to safety. He wrote, “Nubbs was going to America, this dog had been through a lifetime of fighting war, abuse, and had tracked our team over 70 miles of harsh desert (and) was going to live the good life. The hardest part was getting him across the Jordanian border,” Cargo said. But, in keeping with the rest of this story, the duo defied the odds. Major Dennis was able to get Nubbs into Jordan. A family in the US will take care of him until these friends can be reunited. There's a
photo gallery here..
Dog tracks soldier 70 miles in Iraq
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