Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Octopus with Six Legs

He is an octopus, but this new recruit at Anglesey Sea Zoo is a couple of legs short of the usual eight.
Staff had never seen anything like their six-legged arrival, and have christened him Henry the hexapus.
He was found in a lobster pot off north Wales, and they believe his shortage of limbs is the result of a birth defect, rather than an accident.
Henry will go on display with other octopuses in a new exhibition called Suckers at Blackpool Sea Life Centre.
Staff only realised his deficiencies, however, when he stuck himself to a glass display tank.
Displays supervisor Carey Duckhouse said: "We've scoured the internet and talked to lots of other aquariums and no-one has ever heard of another case of a six-legged octopus."
Henry is one of eight creatures of a breed known as "lesser octopuses".
He was found two weeks ago and taken to Anglesey, where his lack of legs was first spotted.
Octopuses need subdued lighting and flash photography can be fatal.
But a quick-thinking staff member snapped the best picture he could before Henry found a different resting place with his legs tucked beneath him. Octopuses are renowned for having three hearts, blue blood and the ability to alter their skin complexion in the blink of an eye.

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