The so-called Byker Romeo has declared their love by hijacking a huge sign above a carpet store.
Staff at Storey’s Carpets in Cut Bank, Byker, Newcastle, were surprised to find that the giant white ‘CARPETS’ lettering which has been on top of their red roof for years had been replaced with ‘I LOVE U’.
The 15ft letters have been manipulated to send out a city-wide message to a sweetheart.
The enormous love message is visible for miles and is causing a stir with motorists passing over Byker Bridge and has even been spotted by low flying aircraft.
Now Storey’s staff are desperate for the person to come forward, and the old romantics have promised not to take police action.
Natalie Raine, marketing manager for Storey’s Carpets in the North East, said: "We’re all really curious as to who the Byker Romeo is.
"They must have spent hours painting out the existing sign.
"Some of our staff who drive into work across Byker Bridge couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw it.
"We all think it’s wonderful and there’s no way we want to take any action against the person who did it.
"It’s really romantic and we just want to know who did it and who he or she made the message for. We don’t even have any immediate plans to restore the sign to the way it was because it’s touched our hearts so much."
Natalie says the passionate paint job must have been carried out some time between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
And it must have been a labor of love as the sign sits high up on the store.
"Whoever did this must be besotted," said Natalie. "You wouldn’t make this much effort if you weren’t really in love.
"I think whoever the message was intended for could be a very lucky man or woman."
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