But it was only when their bubbly little two-year-old took an IQ test that her towering intellect was confirmed.
Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius-rated IQ of 152.

Georgia Brown has an official genius-rated IQ - Intelligence Quotient - of 152
This puts her in the same intellectual league, proportionate to her age, as physicist Stephen Hawking.
According to an expert in gifted children, Georgia is the brightest two-year-old she has ever met.
Parents Martin and Lucy Brown have always regarded their youngest child as a remarkably quick learner.

She was crawling at five months and walking at nine months.
By 14 months, she was getting herself dressed.
"She spoke really early - by 18 months she was having proper conversations," Mrs Brown said.
"She would say, 'Hello I'm Georgia, I'm one'. She was also putting her shoes on and putting them on the right feet."
Georgia was so perceptive that after one outing to the theatre to see Beauty and the Beast she solemnly informed her parents: "I didn't like Gaston (the villain). He was mean and arrogant."
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