Stress Diet
This is a special diet designed to help cope with the stress that builds during the day.
This is a special diet designed to help cope with the stress that builds during the day.
1 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 cup skim milk
1 small portion lean, steamed chicken
1 cup spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 Hershey's kiss
Afternoon Snack
The rest of the Hershey Kisses in the bag
1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips
4 glasses of wine (red or white) or beverage of choice
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size Pizza Hut super supreme pizza
Late Night Snack
1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)
Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts.
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